Letter circulated to La Leche League Leaders misrepresents objections of trustees.

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A letter from a group of 28 self-appointed La Leche League (LLL) Leaders was distributed via social media on 2 May.

The letter, seen by With Woman, in our view seriously misrepresents the position of the majority of trustees, claiming falsely that they seek to exclude mothers who don’t identify as women from LLL meetings. Categorising by sex includes all women, regardless of how the identify, which are the only people who can breastfeed. It excludes all men, regardless of how they identity.

This small group is exacerbating the breakdown in governance at LLLGB. The majority of trustees have come to a position that this group is trying to subvert. 

We support that majority in working to keep LLLGB’s mission focused on what it has always been – by mothers, for mothers. 

That means standing up for single sex meetings, and using the word “mother” to mean what it has always meant, and still means in UK law – people who have given birth, even if they do not identify as women or use that word for themselves.

One response to “Letter circulated to La Leche League Leaders misrepresents objections of trustees.”

  1. Barbara Avatar

    I hope the Charity Commission finds that the suspension of trustees was in breach of fiduciary duty. I also hope the GB break away from the US organisation and forge a new charity that respects mothers and their own volunteers. I’ll subscribe if they do.


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